South Africa has tried desperately to help save the rhino population from further depleting. With government-implemented plans of airlifts, voluntary anti-poaching teams, discrete relocation of rhinos, and thousands of dollars spent on high-tech surveillance and security, the country and its people are attempting to save one of the Big Five from extinction. New ways of combatting poachers are constantly being brain stormed. The most recent idea being implemented is utilizing abseiling attack dogs to protect the rhinos from threatening poachers. The dogs will abseil from a helicopter for about 100 feet into a bush clearing below alongside their masters, who also repel. Once on theRead More →

South Africa has tried desperately to help save the rhino population from further depleting. With government-implemented plans of airlifts, voluntary anti-poaching teams, discrete relocation of rhinos, and thousands of dollars spent on high-tech surveillance and security, the country and its people are attempting to save one of the Big Five from extinction. New ways of combatting poachers are constantly being brain stormed. The most recent idea being implemented is utilizing abseiling attack dogs to protect the rhinos from threatening poachers. The dogs will abseil from a helicopter for about 100 feet into a bush clearing below alongside their masters, who also repel. Once on theRead More →