Planning Your Life Changing Volunteer Trip
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If you are ready and excited to start planning your trip, but discouraged by a financial road block, VSA has another solution for you. We have teamed up with FundMyTravel, who provides us with an online platform where you can fundraise for your meaningful travel experience. You create a campaign page, complete a brief profile to build trust, add a video and tell your story!
FundMyTravel is an online platform where you can create your very own profile and fundraising page, lets you share your page through various social media channels and allows you to collect the funds to offset your travel costs. Just click here to learn more and if you ever need ideas or tips about successful fundraising strategies, the FundMyTravel team will be there to support you through their Resources page, email, and even through Facebook.
FundMyTravel has a team of dedicated staff who want to help VSA participants reach their fundraising goals. They can provide tips and insights on the best ways to spread your word and offer sharing tools to get your campaign greater exposure through social media and email. Click the button at the top to learn more and get started!
FundMyTravel Documentation:
Planning Your Life Changing Volunteer Trip
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Insurance Coverance
Ensure that you are covered
Ensure that you are covered for your volunteer adventure in South Africa!
It is essential that you have suitable travel insurance and Volunteer Southern Africa offers volunteers travel insurance at a special rate.
To arrange travel insurance please contact us at

Travel Insurance Rate And Details
VSA’s volunteers are offered a special rate
VSA’s volunteers are offered a special rate of $3 USD per day. This also applies to any travel before or after your time at the project.
This Schedule of Benefits forms part of the insurance contract and must be read in conjunction with the Policy Wording Document where the full terms and conditions are stated.
Download the above Information – VSA Insurance Policy Details

VISA Requirements
Are you aware of your Visa requirements
Ensure you are aware of your Visa requirements prior to your arrival.
Please inquire through the South African embassy in your country or go to the South African Home Affairs for more information regarding Visa requirements.
Please note, we are not responsible for your traveling documentation.
Important Notice:
At time of travel all passengers under 18 years of age are required to travel with an unabridged birth certificate, in addition to a valid passport, with effect from 01 June 2015. It is the responsibility of travellers to familiarize themselves with the new Immigration Act detailing the regulations of minors departing from, transiting and returning to South Africa.